The Outdoor Education Program is a one-week summer program with the California Mini-Corps Program designed to assist with the education of migratory students. The camp is administered by a Mini-Corps Coordinator. Mini-Corps students serve as the camp instructors and provide supervision.
Program Objectives
- Provide migratory students the opportunity to experience education outdoors. Students are presented with opportunities that allow them to think, share, explore, question, and develop their own understanding of lessons facilitates by the instructors.
- Teach migratory students science concepts in a natural setting that foster an understanding of ecology, plant life, earth science, physical science, etc.
- Teach migratory students a respect for nature, that develops an understanding of how nature works and how humans' affect the environment. By providing migratory students opportunities to learn how to respect nature, strategies are introduced that further develop their personal expectations, goal setting, and general leadership skills.
- Increase the number of high-quality teachers working with migratory students by providing an opportunity for future bilingual teachers (Mini-Corps college students) to develop experience and expertise within an outdoor setting.