Tulare-Kings College & Career EXPO

The College and Career EXPO provides students the opportunity to compete in college and career-oriented competitions, spend time on a college campus, and be recognized for achievements in their chosen field of study. College and Career EXPO builds upon the momentum that students and schools are creating in college and career awareness, exploration, and preparation. All competitions are open to high school and ROP students within Tulare and Kings counties, and is also a unique opportunity to encourage the business community to support local schools and encourage students to consider their futures. The list of competitions and their locations are below as well as the transportation schedule noted in the schedule of events.

Mark Your Calendars!
2025 Tulare-Kings College & Career EXPO

April 4, 2025
College of the Sequoias
9:00 a.m. - 1:45 p.m.

Tentative Schedule of Events

9:00 a.m.Students Arrive at COS Visalia campus and go directly to competitions (if on Visalia campus)
9:15 a.m.Transportation departs to COS Tulare campus
9:15 - 11:45 a.m.Competitions on COS Visalia campus
9:45 - 11:45 a.m.Competitions on COS Tulare campus
12:00 p.m.Transportation departs Tulare to return to Visalia campus
10:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.Food Trucks, Exhibitors, Activities
12:45 p.m.Welcome Announcement
12:50 - 1:45 p.m.Awards Ceremony | Raffle | Closing


Competition List by Location (Subject to Change)

COS Visalia Campus
Anatomy & Physiology
Baking/Decorating Cupcakes
Branding: COS Hype Video
Career Pathways Demonstration
Child Care Storytelling
CNA Skills
Culinary Arts
Elevator Pitch
Fashion Design
Fire Technology
Health Careers Exploration
Job Interview

Medical Terminology
Persuasive Speech
Public Safety
Sports Medicine Skills
Video Game Design
Video Production

COS Tulare Campus
Architectural Design
Automotive Technology
Construction Technology
Graphic Design
Meats Evaluation




COS Logo



Foster Youth Logo

KCOE Youth Services


County of Tulare